dnl @synopsis AC_CXX_EXTERN_TEMPLATE dnl dnl Test whether the C++ compiler supports "extern template". dnl dnl @category Cxx dnl @author Patrick Mauritz dnl @version 2005-07-18 dnl @license AllPermissive AC_DEFUN([AC_CXX_EXTERN_TEMPLATE],[ AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether the compiler supports extern template, ac_cv_cxx_extern_template, [AC_LANG_SAVE AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS AC_TRY_COMPILE([template void foo(T); extern template void foo(int);], [], ac_cv_cxx_extern_template=yes, ac_cv_cxx_extern_template=no) AC_LANG_RESTORE ]) if test "$ac_cv_cxx_extern_template" = yes; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE,,[define if the compiler supports extern template]) fi ])